Voter Outreach

Invite Us to Your Event

Want us to attend your event?

Community organizations may request staff from Maricopa County Elections attend events and provide tabling services to inform communities about voting and election administration. We seek to offer the opportunity for individuals and groups to gain a comprehensive understanding of how elections are administered in Maricopa County and important facts about how to vote. To request we attend your event, complete the form below.

Enter duration of event. Ex) 9am - 3pm
Ex) 123 St, City, AZ 45678
Please submit the first and last name of a location facilitator.
Please enter the email for the location facilitator.
Please enter the phone number of the location facilitator.
If applicable
Fill out any other information that may be necessary for this event.

Events are subject to change.

Events may be rescheduled due to weather, scheduling conflicts, or other. For questions or concerns please contact [email protected].